Saturday, January 2, 2016

Don't Be a "Part Time" Christian Who Demands a Full-Time God

First, I would like to start out by wishing everyone a great New Year.  I pray 2016 brings us all a great year.  I would also like to ask forgiveness in that it has been a bit since I blogged.  I stepped back a little while for personal reasons and reflected.  I wanted to make sure this is what I felt God wanted me to do and that I was able to relay messages worthy of what I felt He wanted me to share.  The thing about the blog I have realized is, they are just as much for me as they are for anyone else.  They reflect what I am going through in my life for the most part or things I am in prayer for.  One thing I have noticed, if I "take off" or get off of my prayer schedule, things fall apart.  I don't feel right and literally things feel off balanced.  I was watching the movie, "War Room" and a character in there reminded me that God doesn't want our relationship with Him to be luke warm.  We either are Hot, Cold, or Luke Warm.  Where are you?  Where do you want to be in 2016?  I know where I want to be.  I want to be on fire in 2016 for God!  Everyday.  I pray not to be luke warm or cold.  When we do not make the time for God for prayer that is when we basically invite the Devil to step right in.  Depression, fear, anxiety, anger, etc. just roll right in.  We set ourselves up for failure. We must take the time and make the time to be a full time Christian above all things in order to be strong in Christ and fight off anything Satan and the outside world throws at us.

Romans 12:12 says, "Let your Hope make you glad.  Be patient in time of trouble. And NEVER STOP PRAYING".    I have talked many times about the word of God and prayer being your shield.  It really is.  It is your armor of protection against the enemy.  The Devil never rest and he comes after the strong.  He wants the Children of God more than he wants someone that doesn't know Him.  We are more of a challenge to him.  So must stay suited up and ready all day, everyday.  No excuses. Even if it's in the shower, you have time to praise and pray.  Wake up!  Pray.  Praise and give thanks.  Driving in your car?  Pray and praise! Also,  there is time somewhere in your day to pick that bible up and read at least a verse.  We all are guilty of being "busy".  But as Christians, we are family and it's our job to help each other and remind each other that the ultimate sacrifice He made for us, getting up 15 minutes earlier than planned is not much to offer him in the grand scheme of things.  We more than owe it to Him and honestly, it helps us in the long run because again, you cannot defeat full time devils being a part time Christian. We also have to admit that as soon as something goes wrong, we fall on our knees to God yet, many serve him part time.  Again, if you are asking him to be there for you full time, why should he get less of you in return?  So, for 2016, let's work on putting all of ourselves into being a full time Christian.

I wish each and everyone of you the best and I ask you pray for me that I too do the same thing and am able to remember daily what is most important on the priority list.