Thursday, November 12, 2015

Trust Your Struggles

1 John 1:9 says "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

      The very moment we asked God for forgiveness it is done.  You are redeemed.  Meaning set "free".  How awesome is that?  Everything you ever did is wiped clean.  He paid that price for you.  It has been paid in full.  Does it mean you will never sin again?  Of course not!  Does it mean you will never struggle again?  Of course not!  I will tell you right now that a walk with God is hard at times.  Why?  Because Satan is constantly pulling at you, reminding you of every past mistake you ever did, reminding you that you are not good enough.  But I am here to tell you that as a child of God of you are good enough!! I am here to tell you that it doesn't matter what your past is.  

     I am here to tell you that I know what it is like to have gossipers say, "She's a Christian?? You know she used to do; blah, blah, blah???".  Let me remind you, NOTHING anyone says about you matters.  Nothing anyone that walks this earth matters.  Once you commit to Jesus Christ, he alone is the only one you answer to.  Your life has a purpose and your past isn't your NOW.  You take their power away NOW.  Because your story is yours to tell if you choose to.  I use my story to help others.  As I have said, my struggle became my testimony and if you choose to do so, yours can to.  Your story can set events into motion that can basically affect someones life for eternity by telling it.  Trust your struggle.

Again,  take the power of people away.  True power only belongs to God who gave it to you when Jesus died on that cross. Remember you are redeemed.  Stop letting unhappy and miserable people who do not know Jesus keep you from growing in His word!!  Also remember the same goes for us!  To be a Christian means to forgive others because God forgave the unforgivable in us!

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