Monday, November 30, 2015

Hey you! Get back up! HE HAS PLANS FOR YOU!

We often have this fairy tale Christian belief that once we accept Jesus Christ as our own that all is new and we now will skip off like Alice in Wonderland once she climbs out of that rabbit hole and we will know who we are and we will live happily ever after.   Love will not hurt.  Relationships will not fail.  Bank accounts will automatically prosper.  Kids will never get on our nerves, they are perfect behaving beings and may our language never be that of a trucker or a sailor.  Well, let me go a head and break the news to you Sunshine, hard times are going to still happen.  Kids will still drive you almost to the point of hitting the bottle, though I highly recommend you don't do that but yet you turn to God.  But let's be honest.  Jobs will be lost.  (Raises hand!!  Ask me!  I know.  Got hit like a ton of bricks at 42 years of age when we already lived from pay check to pay check).  Relationships can fail.  I pray they don't.  I pray you are are strong enough to turn to God and and fully rely on him to speak things back into existence.  As brothers and sisters in Christ we have to be honest through.   Pain is pain.  I consider myself to be one of the strong Christians, a warrior.  The one people call on when prayer is needed.  I pray every day more than I talk to most people.  I dive into the word of God more than I watch tv or socialize now.  I am not better than anyone else.  We all are capable of the exact same thing.  It is on us on how much time we choose to give him.

If you are new to Christ or restarting a relationship with him, I am reminding you do not give up when obstacles pop up.  I am here to remind you once again,  the stronger you get in him, the more Satan will come at you.  The more your past will haunt you.  I remind you again,  you must tell Satan and your past they have NO ROOM IN YOU NOW.  They are your past for a reason and not who you are TODAY.

God made us new.  People will say, You have changed.  You have and Praise God you have.  Because if you hadn't, you would be stuck in the same rut.  People who constantly sit around and bash who you are now, are dealing with their own issues and I want you to do something bold.  I want you to pray for them.  They are hurting.  Your changes would not faze them unless it stirred something in themselves that was hurting them inside.  Pray hard for them.   They are in pain.  Pray that God moves the pain and shows them what is hurting them on the inside and the Holy Spirit moves in them and deals with the pain trapped in them that causes them to think that it is your Christianity that is causing the problem.

Face each day with a new hope and prayer.  Face it with God.  Tell God,  Cry out to God, Great are you Lord.  I am NOTHING without you Lord and no matter what I face I know I can and will make it with you.

Know when I write these blogs, they are for me too.  I have battle the sames things I write about only I pray to him and ask God, "what am I going through that can help someone else??"   He leads me to write these blogs and I will continue to do so as long as he tells me too.   Today I wanted to have a pity party as I realized my bank account didn't have enough in it for what I needed from the store, but I am ok.  I am alive.  I can breath.  My kids are not hungry. I have a roof.  I have heat.  I have lights.  I just have to keep moving and know God will take care of me and my family.

1 comment:

  1. Very well said Karen! Stay strong! Hold your head up high! LOVE YOU!
